10 Dec

Example of a Complete Mortgage Application for Homebuyers in Ontario


Posted by: Philippe Alexandre

Applying for a mortgage can be a complex process, especially for first-time homebuyers.

Knowing what information is required in advance can make the experience smoother and less stressful.

In this post, I’ll provide a detailed example of a mortgage application form, outlining the fields you’ll need to complete. This information will help you prepare and gather the necessary documents, ensuring your application process is efficient and straightforward.

Here is a screenshot of what a typical mortgage application form looks like in PDF format:

Photo of a Mortgage Application Form for a Residential Mortgage in Ontario

Download Excel Mortgage Application Form Example

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Personal Information

  1. Full Name: Your complete legal name.
  2. Social Insurance Number (S.I.N.): Used for credit checks.
  3. Date of Birth: Required for identification and age verification.
  4. Dependents: The number of dependents in your household.
  5. Marital Status: Single, married, common-law, etc.

Address History

  1. Current Address: Your current place of residence.
  2. Postal Code: Ensures proper identification of your location.
  3. Rent/Own: Specify whether you rent or own the property.
  4. Number of Years at Current Address: How long you’ve been at this address.
  5. Previous Address (if less than three years at current): Your former residence.
  6. Rent/Own Status of Previous Address: Specify the status of your previous address.
  7. Number of Years at Previous Address: Time spent at your previous residence.

Contact Information

  1. Home Phone: Your primary phone number.
  2. Cellular: Mobile number.
  3. Email Address: Your preferred email for correspondence.

Employment Information

  1. Current Employer: Name of your current employer.
  2. Years with Current Employer: Duration of employment.
  3. Gross Annual Income: Your annual income before taxes.
  4. Occupation: Your current job title.
  5. Previous Employer (if less than three years at current): Name of your last employer.
  6. Years with Previous Employer: Duration of employment there.
  7. Gross Annual Income from Previous Job: Income at the previous job.
  8. Occupation at Previous Job: Title at the previous job.

Other Income

  1. Other Income Source: Examples include rental income or side businesses.
  2. Years of Other Income: How long you’ve been receiving this income.
  3. Annual Amount from Other Income: Income from these additional sources.

Co-Applicant Information

  1. Co-Applicant Personal Information: Same fields as the applicant for the co-applicant, including name, S.I.N., address, employment details, and other income.


  1. Bank Accounts: Include location, account type (e.g., savings or checking), and balance.
  2. Investments: Include types like RRSPs, stocks, bonds, or GICs, along with their value.
  3. Vehicles: Include the make, model, and estimated value of each vehicle.
  4. Other Assets: Include any other valuable items such as artwork, jewelry, or household goods.


  1. Bank Loans/Lines of Credit: Include balance and monthly payment amount.
  2. Credit Cards: Include type (e.g., Visa, MasterCard), balance, and monthly payment.
  3. Other Debts: Specify additional obligations like student loans or personal loans.

Current Mortgages and Properties

  1. Address: Property address.
  2. Property Value: Market value of the property.
  3. Existing Mortgage Bank/Lender: The institution holding your mortgage.
  4. Mortgage Rate: Interest rate on the mortgage.
  5. Monthly Payments: Regular payment amount.
  6. Rental Income: If the property is rented, include rental income.
  7. Mortgage Balance: Amount remaining on the mortgage.

This example mortgage application form illustrates the types of information lenders need to assess your eligibility. By organizing your personal, employment, asset, and liability details in advance, you’ll be well-prepared to complete your application with confidence. Whether you’re a first-time buyer or refinancing your existing mortgage, being ready with this information ensures a smooth and efficient process.